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Meme Monday: Lockdowns & Gamers: a match made in heaven

Meme Monday: Lockdowns & Gamers: a match made in heaven

For the past 18 months, Covid-19 has sent much of the world into lockdown. While many lives got disrupted, gamers were born ready for this. Seeing as restrictions might be here to stay for a little more, here are some memes to lighten the mood.

1. This is our destiny

Credit: 9GAG

Twenty-four hours at home? Gamers have been preparing their lives for this very moment. We survive on very little – just leave us with our PCs, PlayStations, Xboxes, and phones. We’ll be good to go.

2. The real hard carry

Credit: Reddit

This is the hero we don’t deserve. In the corner of your house somewhere, a little machine is running around the clock to stream your Zoom calls or nightly Dota 2 sessions. It’s time to honour your WiFi router and give it the respect it deserves.

3. A domestic double life

Credit: MemeZila

Working from home means those multi buttons are no longer just meant to draw a flashbang or a knife on CS:GO. They’re sure to come in handy at work too. This makes it official: a gaming mouse is now man’s best friend.

4. Gaming is now essential to survival

Credit: Reddit

For all gamers out there, it seems we’re staying real healthy during this pandemic. Nope, it’s not a joke. According to this BBC article, “the explosive growth of gaming during the pandemic has shown that many have found a new outlet for much-needed connection in isolation.” It’s our survival tool for COVID.

5. Why are we waiting

Credit: ahseeit

No end in sight to the pandemic, no end in sight of this GTA drought too. We could have spent all this time in lockdown causing carnage in another world, but it seems that Rockstar Games have been in indefinite lockdown too. Why are we waiting?

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