Meme Monday: Entertaining or downright disappointing? Notable video game name and graphic changes over the years

From name revamping to graphics evolution (or lack thereof), we’ve seen many changes to video games over the years. 

So, we’ve compiled a few of our favourite memes to tell you exactly how we feel about the most notable changes to our favourite games.

  1. Knuckles or Chuckles?

What is this? What’s happening here? We’re not sure about you…but this just ain’t it, folks. Isn’t Knuckles supposed to be the main character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series? Talk about a ‘glow down’. You do not know the way.

  1. Bye Bye, McCree

As McCree (now Cole Cassidy) once said, “This life’s never uneventful”. It really seems like you can’t please everyone nowadays. While we hate to see our favourite cowboy gunslinger have his badge (name) stripped away just like that, it is for the best, no?

  1. Peak Intelligence: Acquired


Bringing this one back, just because it hit a little close to home. Now that you think about it, why do FIFA fans buy the game year after year even though they vow never to do it again because the games are just so similar?

  1. What was the reason?

Not so much about video game changes, more so…where did the games go? No, because seriously: what was the reason? While there are many other things Facebook users wish to see again (us included), the team figured a name change was the best thing to do. Really, Zuckerberg?

  1. Frankenstein, who?  

Now this is what we’re talking about when we say evolution. Although controversy is evident in this game, can we take a moment to appreciate how a pixelated enemy that looked more indistinguishable than bricks got to look so good you can actually see the creases in his clothes?

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Meme Monday: Lighten(ing) your mood with these Neon memes

It’s been a few weeks since the release of Valorant’s newest agent, Neon, and she’s been a blast to play with (and against.) Naturally, a character as fun as Neon will breed memes equally as electrifying. Here are some Neon memes that are guaranteed to strike your funny bone.

Meme Monday: Gamers, roar with laughter with these Chinese New Year memes

If the constant blasting of Chinese New Year (CNY) music in public spaces hasn’t told you already, the Year of the Tiger is here! Sorry gamers, time to log off and visit relatives (or not, COVID-19’s STILL a thing.) Here are some CNY gaming memes to laugh at when you need an escape from all your relatives’ incessant questioning. Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Meme Monday: Arceus is here, so have a Legendary week ahead!

It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally here! Okay, well…not quite. But it’s coming! Just four days from now, Pokémon Legends: Arceus will officially be released. To celebrate the release of yet another game variant of our favourite childhood show, we’ve compiled a list of memes to help you count the next few days.

Meme Monday: You’ve seen the Spider-Verse, now get ready for the Riot-Verse

It’s only midway through January and Riot is already treating us well with the release of two new characters: Neon from Valorant and Zeri from League of Legends (LOL). Even better, Neon is canonically Filipino, a huge win for Southeast Asian gamers! But we, like the rest of the internet, are seeing double – Neon and Zeri are practically the same person. Case in point: They are voiced by the same Filipino voice actress, have very similar abilities and look basically identical. We can’t help but think that Riot is trying to hint at something…a Riot multiverse, perhaps? It won’t be too far-fetched, since crossovers between both games have happened and Valorant’s storyline literally revolves around a second Earth from another universe. Alright, that’s enough speculation. This Meme Monday, we bring you PROOF of the Riot-Verse. Well, kinda.

Meme Monday: Game NFTs are ruining my life!

The turn of a new year usually brings resolutions and new goals. People generally aim to better themselves in the following year. Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda didn’t get the memo though.
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