Meme Monday: Pokemon Unite, New World and more

It’s been slightly more than a week since Pokemon Unite has been released – and boy, has it taken the world by storm. Coupled with Amazon’s New World gaining traction, it looks like the gaming community is in for an exciting week. Here are some memes to get you started!

1. Just take my money


Despite Amazon’s long string of failures, it seems like they have finally caught a break with their latest MMORPG – New World. Routinely at the top of Twitch charts, it’s no surprise that the game is now all the rave on various social media platforms.

2. Death to the infidels


For those who have gotten their hands on Amazon’s new game, some have found themselves in the shoes of the fanatical Covenant. As crusaders on a mission to cleanse the land of impurities and smite sinners, it’s only a matter of time before everyone starts to look like a heretic.

3. Age is just a number


When it comes to the Pokemon franchise, we are all too familiar with scenes of aunties and uncles “catching” Pokemon on the (actual) street. With the latest Pokemon Unite launch, it seems there is no difference. Something about Pokemon is attracting all these “old birds”.

4. Didn’t stand a chance


Speaking of Pokemon Unite, the OP Zeraora is known to decimate its enemies with its fearsome Plasma Gale. A potent attack that leaves the opposition with little chance for survival, some fear it might be a little bit too powerful.

5. That’s what I thought, master_camper98


We all know the feeling of being killed by the same asshole over and over again. But when we do get our hands on them, nothing imaginable can be sweeter. Who’s laughing now, punk.

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